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It is through the enhancement of the various sites that the ASTTRE 19 Association has been working since 1993 so that the Rochers Noirs Viaduct is restored, that it continues to attract people interested in its history and that it finds a second life. in a new tourist area.

  1. The path of interpretation.

  2. Restoration of the Viaduct.

  3. Tournadoux Museum train station,

  4. The Material of the Association.

  5. The Rocher de la Buse with the Chemin and the garden of Firmin, the educational apiary, the Station chez Firmin, and the terrace for the Festival.


Our president Roger Fraysse, at the place of his reflection, in memory of his father Alexandre.










The model of the Tournadoux site.



The Project to create a Museum station in this space is not new, since the platform was created in   1995. A museum space was already planned to tell the story of the Transcorrèzien.


A workshop hangar to be able to store and repair the Association's rolling stock, as well as a small network of tracks to circulate it.


A model of this space had even been made by the Association's volunteers to display the project to the public, during temporary exhibitions. This was the case for the centenary of the viaduct in 2013 and also in Chalvignac in 2016  on the occasion of the release of the stamp on the maquis of the Dam of the Eagle.


After several disappointments, this project was taken up by the Municipality of Soursac and Haute Corrèze Community in 2018. We are now in the phase of concretization and fundraising.


Let us hope that the latest news about the restoration of the Viaduct will give us a boost to finally see the Gare Musée des Tournadoux come out of the ground.

gorge de la luzege en hiver (31)_edited.



In 1960, when the “jib” line was closed, the track was removed almost immediately, as was the destruction of rolling stock; only a steam locomotive: the “Piguet” n ° 4 and a lounge wagon were saved. They now belong to associations for the protection of rolling stock and are no longer in Corrèze.


Since its creation, the ASTTRE19 Association has purchased equipment that could one day be used in the Tournadoux project. Today it has a few metric gauge wagons, the frames of which were purchased from the Departmental Council of Isère and which were stored in Saint Etienne de Commiers are identical to the missing Corréziens.


It was necessary to organize the exceptional transport and even today, it remains to be repatriated. These frames will make it possible to rebuild wagons identical to those which circulated in the time of the Transcorrézien.


A wagon has already been rebuilt by the students of the Lycée Technique de Decazeville. The Association also has a diesel locomotive from 1939, but it will have to be modified to run on the metric track.


All this material is stored in the site of the old station of Soursac, in Autranges, but it would need a shelter and the station of Tournadoux could bring it to him.
eagle dam
valetta abbey
dordogne spontour


"  Everything that is done in the world is done with hope.  "

Martin Luther King

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