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Les amis Jdu vendredi matin fournissent toujours un remarquable travail. 

Respectons leur travail et le fruit de leur travaux, sculptures et plantations.

   Un diaporama proposé par Véronique, au jardin et sur le site de l'implantation de la future sculpture des Tournadoux.


The Path of Firmin  :


He leads the walker on a portion of the PDIPR from the church of Soursac to the garden of Firmin that he can cross from the installation of the access staircase to the road which follows the route of the old road and leads to the Viaduct.


This development was imagined and designed by a partnership between ASTTRE19 and BTS students from the Lycée Agricole de Neuvic. It has various panels which relate the life of Firmin, the local Fauna and Flora, the presentation of the garden of Firmin and a picnic area with an orientation table.

The facilities at Rocher de la Buse  :


Since the acquisition of the land called "  Firmin garden  »In 2009, the ASTTRE19 Association has continued to adapt this space to make it an oratory facing the Viaduct.


After the creation of the path which leads from the church of Soursac to the plot of Firmin, the development of a picnic area, the restoration of the Serbian and that of the goat hut, the creation of an apiary pedagogical, the planting of the vines and the arrangement of the terraced garden and the creation of an access staircase, it remains to realize the terrace facing the Viaduct which will host the Roche Taillade festival.


The Path of Firmin  :


He leads the walker on a portion of the PDIPR from the church of Soursac to the garden of Firmin that he can cross from the installation of the access staircase to the road which follows the route of the old road and leads to the Viaduct.


This development was imagined and designed by a partnership between ASTTRE19 and BTS students from the Lycée Agricole de Neuvic. It has various panels which relate the life of Firmin, the local Fauna and Flora, the presentation of the garden of Firmin and a picnic area with an orientation table.


He leads the walker on a portion of the PDIPR from the church of Soursac to the garden of Firmin that he can cross from the installation of the access staircase to the road which follows the route of the old road and leads to the Viaduct.


This development was imagined and designed by a partnership between ASTTRE19 and BTS students from the Lycée Agricole de Neuvic. It has various panels which relate the life of Firmin, the local Fauna and Flora, the presentation of the garden of Firmin and a picnic area with an orientation table.

The Educational Apiary  :


It has five or six hives of different types and allows the harvest of honey from Firmin each year, which is sold to the Association's shop.



Firmin Station  :


It was initially the Firmin goat hut that the ASTTRE 19 volunteers have enlarged to make it a friendly place where you can picnic with the most beautiful view of the Viaduct.


Soon, you will also find a sound terminal at this cabin which will be part of the interpretation trail and which will allow you to listen to testimonies from Soursacois or Lapleaucois who had known the jib.


This arrangement is a little complex to achieve because it requires the installation of solar panels.

eagle dam
valetta abbey
dordogne spontour


   Un diapo des photos 2023, prises par Véronique, Henri  et    Steph Couf. Vous reconnaitrez Gilou en spationaute.  En bonus une vidéo de l'arrivée d'eau.


   Des  photos du jardin proposée par Véronique et d'autres, du viaduc , prises par Mickael Coly . Pompier pro à Egletons et volontaire à Soursac,à l'aide de  son drone.

Notre garagiste Jean Pierre Brousolle nous a donné de vieilles plaques d'immatriculation. Henri les a découpées avant de les mettre dans la vigne. A chaque numéro correspondra, dans un classeur bien à l'abris, des explications sur les cépages.

Les travailleurs du vendredi ont déraciné les ronces, installé les plaques et travaillé dans la vigne, avant de prendre les sablés Raynal et le café d'Edith...

Les amis Philippe, Joelle et Bernard fournissent un gros travail, tout comme les autres bénévoles du vendredi matin. Philippe avec son bestiaire, Joelle avec sa binette et Bernanrd avec sa brosse à éliminer les mousses indésirables. Tout ceci pour le plaisir des visiteurs et des promeneurs.

Les amis Jean Louis, Henri, Philippe, Véronique, Joelle et Bernard et d'autres fournissent un gros travail, tout comme les autres bénévoles du vendredi matin. Félicitations à tous. 

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